Im/migration to/within Bangalore

Since the mid 1990s, Bangalore has seen a dramatic increase in population size. While  population size remains disputed over the significance of a cities popuation towards their overall global importance, it is of interest that many of the immigrants to Bangalore were past residents of the city. The 1960s and 70s saw a dramatic emmigration of educated individuals to the Western world, in recent years this has become reversed. With increasing job opportunities in Bangalore as a result of the IT industry, Bangalore is seeing what Chacko identifies as “brain gain”, that is educated intellectuals moving back to their motherland. The ideological notion that a “world of opportunities” exists in New York City is no longer the case, it is in the East, predominately in Bangalore. This is what Murty identified in America as “Bangalored”; meaning an individual’s job in America has been given to someone in Bangalore. This demonstrates the current and ongoing trend of globalization and moving industries off the shores in the west and onto the shores of the east.

Migration within Bangalore continues to occur as populations transition from rural to urban localities. This is mostly a result of job opportunities in Bangalore in the IT field, which are not accessible to individuals who live in rural settings.

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